Sunday 30 January 2011

We miss the Lady Roxy

I realised a while ago that in order to Get Work Done I really need to be away from the house. Not being a student of that big ol' University in the centre of town, the library is pretty much out so I'm down to cafes mostly.

During the Festival last year Tea Tree Tea was open late, which was most awesome, and I got into the habit of working til late. August left the building and I was adrift. Thought of Beanscene, who are known for their wifi and sockets, only to discover that due to some Health & Safety fiasco they no longer have sockets. And they are more likely to close at 9pm than 11pm as used to be.

Light appeared on the horizon, in the form of the Roxy Art House. Bar open til late, sockets, wifi (which I had access to since I knew half of the staff)... as long as one could ignore the stream of pretension it was heaven. Until the Edinburgh University Settlement, who owned the building and the business went suddenly bankrupt. F**k.


And so I join the cause. There can and will be a place where those of use who like to sit at laptop until late while sipping hot drinks can find succour. One day.

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